Rabu, 26 Mei 2021

 Listening For Daily Communication
R Agus Suryahadi


TahunAkademik: 2021/2022




Listening For Daily Communication

Dosen Pengampu


Syaeful Millah, M.Pd

Hari / Tanggal


Rabu, 26 Mei 2021



14.30-16.00 WIB

Sifat Ujian


Close Book

Program Studi




            Look for a video with this Intructions and Listen please..

-      How to undesrtand conversations about tasks in the workplace

-      How to talk about whether tasks are completed or not

-      Give and understand feedback

Thank you.



Penjelasan Video Youtube diatas.
 Pada dialog pertama ada Peter (penyelia) dan Jenifer Banks (karyawan baru)

 1.   Peter, “Let me take you to your cubicle and then I will give You a tour of our

       Company.” di dalam kalimat diatas “Let me take “  adalah Frasa untuk ajakan.

2.   Peter, “Drop Your Belongings here, and lets go.
      “Drop Your Belongings” adalah frasa perintah
      Jenifer, “ Yes, I am ready Peter.”   “I am Ready” adalah kalimat Understand.
3.  Peter,“That is Lucy over there. She is our senior technology analist.” Ini adalah
Introducing someone.

4.  Peter, “You will be working with her in the future. Let’s go say hi to her.” Let’s go to
     say hi” adalah frasa ajakan atau  perintah.

5.  Lucy, “Welcome aboard, Jenifer. I am very glad to see you”.

     Jenifer, “Thank you. I am very happy to be here.”
     Dialog diatas merupakan ungkapan perasaan senang.

6.  Lucy “See you later, Jeniver.”

     Jenifer, “Yeah, good bye”


 Request for office Supplies

7.  “Excuse me, I Was wondering how to order office supplies”. Frasa Menanyakan
      bagai mana caranya.

      “We have a requisition form on company web site” Blangko permintaan barang.

8.  What type of supplies do you need” Menanyakan jenisnya.
     “I need paper and ink cartridges”. Jenis barang yang dibutuhkan.

9.  how quickly will you need your supplies ?” Menanyakan seberapa cepat barang
      tersebut dibutuhkan.

10. “I need all of my supplies right away” Secepat mungkin.

11. “would you like these supplies delivered or would you like to pick them up ?”
       Menawarkan pilihan

12. “Please deliver them to my office” Kalimat permohonan.


Offering Help

13. “I was wondering if you need any help on you need on your new project.” Sebuah
       kalimat yang menanyakan apakah ada sesuatu yang dapat dibantu.

14. “That would be great” frasa yang menunjukkan seseorang merasa senang.

15.  “I would like to help with the camputer work.” Kalimat yang menerangkan bahwa
        seseorang siap membantu dalam hal pekerjaan.

16.  “Well then, thank you. Have a great day.” Frasa penutup dan salam.


Ask for permission

17.   “I would wondering if I could borrow the company truck for a fundraiser” . Kalimat
        yang menyatakan permohonan ijin.
18.  “Sure, I think that would be possible. Where is the fundraiser?” Kalimat yang


.Disagreement and agreement.

19.  “I was thinking of  holding the company retreat in the mountains”Kalimat yang
        menawarkan usul.

20.  “I agree, I think that would be perfect.” Kalimat yang menyatakan setuju.

21.  I was thinking it could take place sometime in february.” Kalimat yang

        menawarkan usul.

22.  That might be a little too cold for some people  Kalimat yang secara halus
         menyatakan tidak setuju dan disertai dengan alasannya.

   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MvOC9owdeP8  (link Youtube)


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